Marketing Director

Phone: 541.749.1286

Amy joined the Village Properties family in August 2023. She became a full-fledged Oregonian when she followed her husband back to his hometown of Bend in 2019 to be closer to family and to start a new Central Oregon adventure. The outdoor lifestyle has certainly treated them well, with one of Amy’s favorite local activities being leisurely floating down the Deschutes River in summertime.

While Amy has a BFA in Illustration and Design, she credits much of her design skills development to working as a freelance/in-house designer for three years before becoming a Marketing Project Manager in her previous role. Her love for design is found in creating a unique blend of eye-catching graphics that also provide their audience with compelling information, leading viewers to take that next step.

Like most people, she loves long walks on the beach and a good margarita, but spends most of her free time with friends/family, creating art, playing video games, gardening, and catching her chickens when they escape from the coop (this happens more often than you may think).