Thank you for choosing Village Properties to host your groups again on your business trip. A return guest is the biggest compliment that we can receive! We are happy that this home is a great fit for you and that you enjoy its convenient location near the Great Hall and other Sunriver attractions.
Thank you for passing on these opportunities for improvement to us. The dull knives will be replaced immediately, as there is never a use for a knife that can’t cut! Your notes about adding in-home amenities like spices, food wrap, and the hair dryer will be passed on to the homeowner, as they are always looking for ways to provide the most comfortable stay possible for our guests. Regarding the kitchen items you mentioned, some owners/guests get worried about possible contamination from previous guests which is why they are not always offered upon arrival. Items like these are left up to the home owner to decide if they are kept in-home for guests.
Thank you again for allowing us to host you and we look forward to doing it again the next time you visit Surniver!